About Us
Vision and Mission

Welcome to the WGE Group
You are dealing with a company that delivers on what is promises

Our Vision

It is our vision to further shape the WGE Group as an innovative, dynamic, and valued link in the Engineering Procurement Construction supply chain

Our Mission

At the WGE Group it is our mission to provide a safe, reliable & cost effective Engineering Procurement and Construction Business in Australia

Our Values

Safety: The safety of our people is our highest priority Integrity: We are truthful and do what we say we will do Respect: we treat everyone equally with openess and honesty Accountability: we accept responsibility for our actions and our results and recognise excellence.

Work Health Safety & Environment


Everyone manages their Health and Safety

  • 0
  • Workforce Trained in Internal Procedures
  • 100%
  • Environmental Incidents
  • 0
  • Daily Workplace Inspections
  • 100%
  • Workplace Investigations closed on time
  • 90%

Deliver world's best practice Health & Safety and Environmental Systems

Further Development of External Accreditations

  • ISO14001 Environmental Certification
  • 1/11/15

Arrive Safe, Work Safe, Home Safe

A WGE Group Initiative

WGE Group

Employee Assistance Program

University of Wollongong Internship Program

Skills Illawarra Program

Turning School Leavers into World Class Apprentices



Develop high performance teams to meet our Customer needs

  • Competency level against key competencies
  • 85%
  • Key development programmes implemented
  • 2

Everyone drives improved Business Performance

  • Team goals acheived to plan
  • 80%
  • Employee participation in improvement activities
  • 50%

Successful Integration of People into our Business

  • People integration plan complete
  • 100%
  • University of Wollongong Internships Student intake per Business Cycle
  • 1.5
  • Skills Illawarra Apprentiseships Development of World Class Apprentices per Business cycle
  • 6

Our People Our Power Program

Providing our people the training to succeed

Taking Care of Business

Outside of Operating Hours Maintenance

WGE Group Global Business Supply Chain Improvement



Improve operational performance

  • Streamline availability
  • 80%
  • Unify Business Information Systems with the creation of the WGE Group Global Information System (GIS)
  • 2015
  • Reverse Innovation of WGE Group Business Units outside of Australia to strengthen the WGE Group Business within Australia
  • 2017

Deliver preventative maintenance

  • Continued preventative maintenance to Operation Critical Assets.
  • 100%
  • Outside of Operating Hours maintenance for elimination of maintenance to operations interference
  • 2014
  • Compliance to Schedule
  • 100%

Investment in Infrastructure

  • Identification and delivery of Capacity Add infrastructure.
  • 2015
  • Investment in New Manufacturing Technologies which reduce labour inputs and deliver high Sq. M return on floor space
  • 2017
Opportunity & Improvement


Group Goals vs DWG Goals

  • Development of Turn Key Solutions
  • 2015
  • Value Adding through WGE Group Global Business Units
  • 2014
  • Supply Chain Optimisation
  • 2015

Collaborative Agreements & Alliances

  • EPC Project Alliances per Business Cycle
  • 1
  • Development of a Collaborative Relationship with the University of Wollongong
  • 2017

Development of the WIN-WIN Situation

  • Development of collaborative relationships with clients on CAPEX and OPEX Business Cycles.
  • 2016
  • Development of Through Life Support
  • 2016


Excellence. A journey, not just our destination.

  • Deliver operating costs to budget
  • 2014
  • Delivery of greater ROI
  • 2014
  • Development of the WGE Group Brand in 2 new sectors
  • 2014
  • Deliver the largest WGE Group revenue before the end of the Business Cycle
  • 2017
Excellence. A journey, not just our destination.